Reddit has surpassed another platform in UK social media rankings, with 22.9 million UK adults visiting the site in May this year, a 47% growth from the same period in 2023. This comes as YouTube reached more than 44 million adults, overtaking Facebook as the most popular social media platform in the UK.
Author: Dan Milmo Global technology editor
Tags: reddit, social_media, linkedin, blogging, youtube, facebook, x, media, digital_media, technology, ofcom, internet, uk_news
Published Date: 2024/11/28
22.9 million UK adults visited Reddit in May this year.
22.1 million UK adults visited X in May this year.
Reddit experienced a growth of 47% on the same period in 2023.
YouTube reached more than 44 million adults, overtaking Facebook as the most popular social media platform in the UK.
Contributing Factors:
Updates to Google’s search engine this year may have given Reddit a big boost in organic search traffic. Alterations to how third-party apps accessed Reddit’s content, forcing users to switch to the site, may also have contributed to its growth. Publicity around Reddit’s stock market flotation in March this year may have also played a role.
The Ofcom figures are featured in the watchdog’s annual report into the nation’s digital habits. The report revealed that four out of 10 UK adults say they have encountered misinformation or deepfakes, with the majority of those cases occurring online.
Related Information:
YouTube has overtaken Facebook to become the most popular social media platform in the UK, reaching more than 44 million adults.
X’s popularity fell by 8% since May last year, according to Ofcom.