Local rancher Brady Pearson’s quick thinking saves a stranded calf from freezing weather conditions, showcasing his dedication to the well-being of his animals.
Weather is a crucial factor for ranchers like Brady Pearson, whose livelihood depends on it. The recent arctic blast posed a significant challenge to him and other ranchers across the country.
The timing of the freeze was particularly hazardous as it coincided with Pearson’s calving season. At first, everything seemed fine, but things took a turn for the worse when the temperature dropped to 2 degrees on Wednesday morning.
A Heartwarming Rescue
Pearson recalls seeing some cows arguing over a calf, which led him to investigate further. “There was a new calf on the ground,” he said, recalling the scene. The mother of the calf had given birth just the day before and was trying to claim the newborn.

The calf’s ears were frozen solid, resembling icicles. Pearson took immediate action, placing the calf in his truck and cranking up the heater to warm it up. He then fed the calf and attached a tag reading “orphan-no-more” in an attempt to reunite the young animal with its mother.
A Glimmer of Hope
While the calf’s future is still uncertain, Pearson’s quick thinking has given it a fighting chance. Within the next week, he expects to be left with around 25 newborns. The rescue highlights the dedication and expertise of ranchers like Pearson, who put their animals’ well-being above all else.
Note: This article was originally published on WesternSlopeNow.com.
- yahoo.com | Local rancher saves calf amid arctic blast conditions
- westernslopenow.com | Local rancher saves calf amid arctic blast conditions