Meet the behemoths of the arachnid world, where size truly matters. From the Goliath birdeater’s record-breaking weight and leg span to the giant huntsman spider’s incredible speed and agility, discover the fascinating stories behind these eight-legged giants.
The Biggest Spider in the World (by Weight and by Leg Span)
The Goliath birdeater doesn’t just eat birds; it also consumes small rodents, frogs, and insects.
Native to South America’s Rainforests: The Goliath Birdeater
The Goliath birdeater spider is native to South America‘s rainforests and holds the title of being the biggest spider in the world by both weight and leg span. It has a body size comparable to a midsized smartphone and weighs as much as a hockey puck, with a leg span reaching up to 12 inches (31 cm).
The Giant Huntsman Spider: A Record-Breaker
The giant huntsman spider, found in Laos, shares the record for the largest leg span at around 12 inches. Unlike its birdeater cousin, this spider prefers to hunt rather than build webs and is known for its incredible speed and agility.
Prehistoric Spiders Were Larger Than Modern Counterparts
Prehistoric spiders tended to be larger on average than their modern counterparts, with most fossils discovered sporting leg spans of at least a few inches. However, the largest species today eclipse any known fossils in terms of size.
The Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater: A Sight to Behold

The Brazilian salmon pink birdeater (Lasiodora parahybana) is one of the most impressive tarantulas, renowned for its significant size and beautiful salmon-pink hair. With a leg span that can reach up to 10 inches (25.4 centimeters), it’s like encountering a dinner plate scuttling across the forest floor.
The Colombian Giant Tarantula: A Visual Spectacle
The Colombian blue bloom tarantula (Pamphobeteus nigricolor) stands out with its striking blue coloration and significant size, boasting a leg span that can reach up to 7 inches (17.8 centimeters). Known for its relatively docile nature, this tarantula is more of a display species, thriving in a tranquil environment with minimal interference.
Measuring Spiders by Body Length and Leg Span
When measuring giant spiders, it’s essential to consider both body length and leg span. Body length measures the size of the spider’s main body without the legs, while leg span is the distance from one tip of a leg to the opposite side, often more dramatic and eye-catching.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the primary differences between the Goliath birdeater and the giant huntsman spider?
The Goliath birdeater is the heaviest spider with a leg span up to 12 inches (31 cm), native to South America‘s rainforests. The giant huntsman spider, also with a leg span of up to 12 inches, is found in Laos and is known for its incredible speed and agility rather than building webs.
How do these large spiders capture their prey?
Goliath birdeaters use their potent neurotoxin to immobilize prey on the ground, often consuming insects, frogs, and small mammals. Giant huntsman spiders rely on their speed and hunting skills to catch prey, preferring to ambush them rather than spin webs.
- | The Biggest Spider in the World (by Weight and by Leg Span)