A groundbreaking discovery in the ocean’s microbial web reveals how Prochlorococcus marinus, a tiny picoplankton, regulates the ocean’s carbon cycle through cross-feeding of DNA building blocks.
Unlocking the Ocean’s Secret Network: Prochlorococcus’ Cross-Feeding Ability
In the vast expanse of the ocean, a tiny microbe called Prochlorococcus marinus holds a crucial key to understanding the complex web of life in marine ecosystems. This single-celled “picoplankton,” measuring smaller than a human red blood cell, is the most abundant photosynthesizing organism on the planet, with staggering numbers found throughout the ocean’s surface waters.
Prochlorococcus’ remarkable abundance has sparked scientific interest in its role in the ocean’s carbon cycle and storage. Recent findings have shed light on a novel mechanism by which Prochlorococcus regulates the ocean’s capacity to cycle and store carbon: cross-feeding of DNA building blocks. This process, where Prochlorococcus sheds molecular waste into their surroundings, is then “cross-fed” or taken up by other ocean organisms, providing essential nutrients, energy, or regulating metabolism.
The Nightly Snack
Prochlorococcus tend to shed their molecular baggage at night, a phenomenon that has puzzled scientists in the past. However, research has shown that this nightly snack acts as a relaxant of sorts for a microbe called SAR11, the most abundant bacteria in the ocean. The nighttime shedding of purine and pyridine molecules, which are building blocks of DNA, is crucial for the growth and stability of microbial communities.
Prochlorococcus’ cross-feeding ability has far-reaching implications for our understanding of the ocean’s carbon cycle. By examining the details and diversity of cross-feeding processes, scientists can unravel important forces shaping the carbon cycle. The team found that Prochlorococcus makes the most of these compounds, then casts off what it can’t, creating a global synchronization among all microbial cells.
A Daily Inhibition Signal

The researchers discovered that Prochlorococcus’ nightly shedding of purine acts as a daily inhibition signal, pausing SAR11 metabolism and allowing the bacteria to recharge for the next day. This daily pulse of purines being released by Prochlorococcus provides a critical pause in SAR11’s normal metabolic activities, potentially helping them avoid environmental stress.
A New Understanding of Ocean Metabolism
The study highlights the intricate relationships between ocean microbes and their environment. By analyzing metagenome sequences from over 600 seawater samples worldwide, the team found that bacteria gobble up purine for its nitrogen when nitrogen in seawater is low and for its carbon or energy when nitrogen is in surplus.
A Global Perspective
This work demonstrates that Prochlorococcus’ cross-feeding ability is a critical component of the ocean’s daily rhythms. By shedding light on this novel mechanism, scientists can begin to understand the complex forces shaping the ocean’s metabolism and carbon cycle. The study provides a glimpse into the finely tuned choreography that contributes to microbial growth and stability across vast regions of the oceans.
A Window into Ocean Ecosystems
Prochlorococcus’ discovery offers a unique window into ocean ecosystems, providing insights into the intricate relationships between microbes and their environment. By exploring this complex web of life, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of the ocean’s role in regulating the Earth’s climate and its capacity to sequester carbon.
A New Era of Ocean Research
The findings of this study mark an exciting new era in ocean research, highlighting the critical importance of cross-feeding mechanisms in marine ecosystems. As scientists continue to explore the intricacies of Prochlorococcus’ behavior, we can expect a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between microbes and their environment, shedding light on the ocean’s role in regulating the Earth’s climate.